i F***** hate uzair. i never expect that he such a backstabber. ok wtv, girlfriends first kan? go die.
btw, happy mother's day! i love my mom, she's my cereal to my soul. school was fun. im just nervous for this exam. really big exam. i don't want to let my mom down. hmph. it start on 12may and end on 27may. how long is that?! blergh. okay, nak cakap nii, i love my modmaths teacher! hahaha. she's really sweet. you know what? aku dengar memacam cite pasal sekolah lama tu. sooo much bad news instead of good news. but aku siapa kan? nanti yang lain cakap apa pulak. so taknak bagitahu, tettttttttt. haha :') okay i think i'm done. see you guys dekat pasar ahad! hahaha say hello, aku pergi pukul 6. cehhhhhh :p okay bye.
ps : 15days to gooooooooooooo!
pss ; boyprenn kita tu, kita sayang sangat. hihiihihokkk