haahha, last hangout for JUNE :'( July hang lagii kot. okay, gerak lmbt skit, dlm 2pm. naik kereta mama, dgn eyra, k.yana, ash, bie, scha , dah smpai, pegi beli tiket LAGENDA BUDAK SETAN, turon jasmine, pegi minom , then naik balik, msok wyg. dah habis, pegi beli topi bie kt QUIKSILVER, then lepak luar. snap snap, had dinner at CHICKEN RICE SHOP :D
ahahah, then balik around 10pm. thank you :) enjoy the fuckin boring pictureee , hahah :)

snap for scha. cute right ?

while waiting for the b to smoke his cigarettes :)

muke aku cm pukimak ken ? =='

aww , I LOVE YOU ♥