Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I hate my monday fer like seriously. but i'm getting myself cool with it. haish -.- okay, i just uhm takde mood for the whole day. i ate for once today. lunch je. since i got no mood to do anything excepts story telling to the best friends. yeah, thats it. i am totally not in mood today. feeling down as well. and i am getting sick of everything.
3.25am i am having a little conversation with eyra. since i gotta share with her. i just can't sleep not even feel sleepy, yet. on-the-phone with nadd. well, thanks for the called. i really appreciate. and yet, you guys treated me well in a way. I so gonna called you as bestfriends. oh thanks to those who trying to cheer me up.

school today was like, hmphh pretty bored -.- yah!
i'm no more late to school, yeahh alhamdulillah for that. :) mathematics was awesome! haha, then move to science class. then recess for 20 minutes, and continue with arab. arab was frigging cool ;) history class, damn noise. I laugh ass out with Aina, while the cute teacher are teaching us. talked and laughed! cool! hihi. and ended with english class, english was like, okayy la. not thattt bad -.- well, i was like fucking damn bored right now. since everyone seems busy with their own stuffs. so yeah, i keep on doing the same as usual. Facebook Ym Tumblr and blahblahblah.

I am now ym-ing with k.yana, and Facebook wall to wall with Lia, -- i guess she could cheers me up. i hope -.-

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today Lovedddddddddddd : just another boring day to tell here. I did nothing for today. wasting time infront of the laptop, move on to the pc and repeating like shitsss! and yeah jumpa b. aww ok b memang sweet and so all. hihi. then kene teman bie pick aqis up. 07.30pm im straight to home. im sorry b coz tk dpt lepak dgn you mlm nie :( tak dpt jumpe comell, ahahah :D sorryy :(

*today is not one of these good days :( i wish it was.

Friday, June 25, 2010


im fucking bored right now(!) i should be sleep now (0105 am)
bie, mane kau nie? adoii. im waiting for your call.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


school was fuck (!) firstly, we're having a school session like usual, and all of a sudden, SUHAILA pass out. im not suprised ==' she was beside me when she pass out, but i didn't help her, GOOD FRIENDS , am i ? hahahha :P okay, enough for that. i was so fucked up with the boys in the class, BODOH HANJENGG! they talk badly about me, just because i didn't help suhaila. derrr, immatured anjingg(!) then, i share this nonsense with nadd my superb besties, auww. thanks nadd for being my side, and gain my mood back. seriously, iloveyouuu. HAHA, LAHANAT ANJINGG! come on, get a life bodoh! suke hati aku lah nk tolong ke taknak, sebokk babiiiii. okay, syud, enough. then 2.45pm im straight to home. today was exhausting :( then, at 4.30pm, bie picked me up, lepakingg time, weee hooo! lepakingg with bie, syafiq, iwan and me! hahha :p IT WAS QUITE FUN, iwan make a joke like a lot, hahah, its fun seriously! then 7.00pm bie sent me at home, thanks bie for your time. I Love You. thats the endd okay, erghhh i dont want to go to school tomorrow. malas nk hadap muke anjingg sekaliann. ok, bye! wait for next post okay? love.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


ok yeahh, im back to school -,- monday was okay, sbb we only study after recess, HAHA, ceramah was freakingg boring. then blah blah, study mcm biase, and i get a bad result for exam :( i feel like killing myself now. after school session ends, bie picked me up at school. thanks b for that :) b sent me at home, and he ask me to tukar baju, then i ask him " ha? where we're going b? " then he said, " mkn laa, tak lapar ke gemokk? " ahhaa, and i change my clothes and go for eat :D then, 4.30pm, he sent me at home. im exhausted :( then at 5.40pm, bie call me, and said, " sayanggg, keluar jom, bosann :( " hahaha, sebok je b, kacau i tido :D then, we go out at 5.55 pm, then he sent me at 7.00pm. im having fun with him, indeed i love you! haahaha :) thats the end for my monday.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

43 things a girl wished her boyfriend know

1. When you break her heart, the pain never really goes away.

2. When she misses you, she’s hurting inside.

3. When she says it’s over, she still wants you to be hers.

4. When she walks away from you mad, follow her.

5. When she stares at your mouth, kiss her.

6. When she pushes or hits you, grab her tight & don’t let her go.

7. When she starts cursing at you, kiss her and tell her you love her.

8. When she ignores you, give her your attention.

9. When she pulls away, pull her back.

10. When you see her at her worst, tell her she’s beautiful.

11. When you see her crying, just hold her and don’t say a word.

12. When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.

13. When she’s scared, protect her.

14. When she lays her head on your shoulder, tilt her head up and kiss her.

15. When she steals your favourite jacket, let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.

16. When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.

17. When she doesn’t answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.

18. When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up with the truth.

19. When she says that she likes you, she really does more than you could understand.

20. When she grabs your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.

21. When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.

22. When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.

23. When she looks at you in your eyes, don’t look away until she does.

24. Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything.

25. Don’t let her have the last word.

26. Don’t call her hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is so much better.

27. Say you love her more than she could ever love you.

28. Argue that she is the best girl ever.

29. When she’s mad, hug her tight and don’t let go.

30. When she says she’s OK, don’t believe it, talk to
her about it, because 10 yrs later she’ll still remember it.

31. Call her at 12:00am on special occasions to tell her you love her.

32. Call her before you sleep and after you wake up.

33. Treat her like she’s all that matters to you.

34. Don’t ignore her when she’s out with you and your friends.

35. Stay up all night with her when she’s sick.

36. Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.

37. Let her into your world.

38. Let her wear your clothes.

39. When she’s bored and sad, hang out with her

40. Let her know she’s important.

41. Kiss her in the pouring rain.

42. When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is; “Who’s ass am I kicking today baby?”

43. After she reads this, she hopes one day you’d read it too.


It's quite rare finding me smiling or laughing nowadays. the real ones, by the way :'(
avoiding something doesn't always mean that you hate it, it could also mean that you want it, but you just know it isn't right. just because i try not to talk about it, doesn't mean that i'm over it, that i feel better, or that i am ever going to be okay. have you ever had one of those days where you hate the world? and anything that happens, even dropping a pen, makes you wanna cry and break down :'(

ps : if i walk, would you run? if i stop, would you come? if i say you're the one, would you believe me? :'(

Saturday, June 19, 2010


haahha, last hangout for JUNE :'( July hang lagii kot. okay, gerak lmbt skit, dlm 2pm. naik kereta mama, dgn eyra, k.yana, ash, bie, scha , dah smpai, pegi beli tiket LAGENDA BUDAK SETAN, turon jasmine, pegi minom , then naik balik, msok wyg. dah habis, pegi beli topi bie kt QUIKSILVER, then lepak luar. snap snap, had dinner at CHICKEN RICE SHOP :D
ahahah, then balik around 10pm. thank you :) enjoy the fuckin boring pictureee , hahah :)

snap for scha. cute right ?

while waiting for the b to smoke his cigarettes :)

muke aku cm pukimak ken ? =='

aww , I LOVE YOU ♥


having fun with the sista last night, it was awesome dude :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

fuckin bored!

ptg tadi lepak dgn bie, tman die mkn, manje2, gedik2, mengade ngade and balik! and now, i got nothing to do, bie didn't text me up, maybe he's kinda busyy, ok bye!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

16 JUN

auww, having fun with the b and scha at pyramid. it was frigging cool. tak pegi kem yang BORED tuh, eeee please lahh!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


bie, I miss how happy I was with you. everything has been changed, I don't know It's my or your fault. I feel like crying everytime we meet. so yeah, I need the old you. someone who understand me, not easily raised voice on me and so all.

12 august 2010. It's our 1th year Annivessary. I guess we could be long-lasting. I just can wish if that could be true. but I need the old you. I need you to change forsake. so Mohd Firdhaus, I Love You.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


i hate my FRIENDS ( ! ) herannnnnnnnnnnn ke aku nk kwn dgn kau? tak payah jadi FAKERS!
susahh jgn cari aku lhh siallllll -,-

Monday, June 07, 2010

* again

harinie , lepak dgn bie ,but sekejap je :( from 4.30pm smpai 5.30pm je , errr =='
bie lah punye pasal nie, kate dah balik perak, tp tibe2 ade dkt sini, haha pdn muke tk dpt lepak lame2 :p
balik je, bie dtg ruma, lepak dgn abg, haahha auwww imissyou :D
7.30 pm pegi tuition, and tak amek class english, amik science je , hahhah :) balik awal :o
hee, thats the story for my MONDAY , auww bye!

p/s : esok maen badminton dgn bie, haha , die ckp aku gemok, kene exercise , haishh -,- dushh bie kang

Sunday, June 06, 2010


ohhoii , baru balik dari lepaking rumah bie . HAHA , from 4.30pm until 7.15pm , hhhhaha bahagiaaaa bersama si gile gedik , auwww iloveyou :*

Saturday, June 05, 2010

05 . 06 . 2010

hari nie , hang out , dgn bie , abg , scha , neli , fieza and membe bie ( tk tahu name ==' )
kurang best lahh hangout kali nie , btw rabu pegii sunway pulak , adoii .im broke );


exam's over ! HAHA (; bole lepak dgn bie hari hari , hahha auwwww .