lame gile kot tak update blog , hhahhaha busy gile -,-"
PMR bhai taon nie -,-"
erhhhh , oke , isnin harituh 4.01.2010 adelah first day aku tusyen dkt DELTA & JOHAN teletak di taman chi liung , yeahhh , a little bit boring -,-"
untok kelas form 3 , semua chinese , 3 org je bdk melayu , wadefuck ?
hahahah :DD aku pon sit sebelah chinese then focus belaja , and blablablablabla ,
masok pukol 7.30 pm and balik pukol 10.30 pm ,
dah laa homework bnyk gilaaaa ,
adoyyy , penat kot ,
esoknye dah sekola lagi ,
grrr , babi bosan bile dah back to school !
huhhh -,-"