hmphhh, finally, aku dgn b is getting better since b hari2 pissed me off, so semalam, da okay mcm dulu lahh :)
semalam dpt result math (B) and result bm (A) hee, so 1A and 1B. Fuhhh, tal sabar nk dapat yang lain. bie text mcm nie smlm, " i got so much love for you darling, i wanna let you know how i feel, its true that I LOVE YOU and you're the only one :) cube teka nie lagu ape? Ape tajuk die? cepat carii ni lagu ape, kalau tak tahu or still tak dapat jawapannye, you tak bole text i, heeee wekk gemokk ;P "
hadoiii, nii lagu ape ehh? Sape tahu? please bgtahu, kalau tak tak bole text, grrr bie nii gedikk betol lahh ;(
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
first year anniversary

mlm tadii bie dgn aku takde creds ;( how sad kan? baru ingat nk wish tepat pukul 12 kan b kan?
hmmm, its okay lah ;(
5.00am aku bangun sahur dapat credits dari papa, then terus text b, " bie, happy first year anniversary. I Love You, yes i do, and I'll always do, byee ;( "
then b reply " happy first anniversary too sayang, i love youu too, muah! npe sedih ? "
then aku reply " nothing. kecewa tak dpt wish pukul 12 tadii "
bie kate " ohh its okay. takpe lah. now pun boleh wish kan. wish tak penting. yang penting i sayang youu "
hahah, i love the quotes! bie really make my day! heee i love you lahh kedingg :P
then solat subuh is done. pergi sekolahh. nothing yang best dkt sekolah. I just love the tadaru al-quran. seriously.
then blahblah, dapat paper arab. aku dapat 70% je? huh ;( menurun.
then englishh, tak sabar nihh nk dpt. then dpt paper 2 dulu. 41/50. okay im cool. alhamdulilah paper 2 naikk :) then takut niee dpt paper 1. aku dpt 31/40 je? betul ke nihh? so terukkk ;(
sangat kecewaaaaaaaaaaa ;( tinggi lah sikit. grr. apepun syukur lah. dah kira kira tuu, aku dpt 80%, alhamdulilah. A jugak. nasib baik. if tak papa mesti marah ;(
so, todayy is really my day. since bie yang buat aku happy sangat2. thanks youuu.
okay now its asar time. bye!
Saturday, August 07, 2010
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Monday, August 02, 2010
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