Hahaha, okayyy fifteen now(!) hee :D first, aku bgn dlm pukol 12.30 pm kott, penat coz gayot dgn bie smpai pukol 5 am kan bie kan ? Hahaha, sweet je u wish time tuh :) tepat 12am, ade certain orang yg wish aku, hahah thanks! sayang korangg ahhh , muahh muahh , hahhah :D Tgk dkt hall, papa tkde, aku tgk sume orang buat bodo je, err then, nvm lahh, tak kesahh, taking a bath in 15 minutes, then breakfast while waiting for the b to woke up," -.-
then dlm pukol 5.45 pm kene amik abg and aqil , sbb kete rosak , aduhhh -.-
mase otw nk amik dorng uh, teserempak dgn aliff (!) haha fuckin miss you lahh gila!
then amik aqil, die dudok blkang aku, hahahah scha jeles lagii , hahaha ;p
sape suroh taknak ikot, then papa anta aqil balik, then ku lgi, aku tanye la ' gerak mane pa? '
papa ckp ' your cakes ? Hehe ' hahaha , then i was like , WHAT ?! ade cake ke? Hahaha , alhamdulilah :)
amik kek kat secret recipe centro, kakak dah tggu kt sane, i was so eager , hahaha -.-
tibetibe kakak keluakan kek aku andddddddddd kat ats and side kek tuh ade D O M O ( ! )
i was like , wthelll ? thanks kakak , papa and mama , i love you (!)
nk tgk tak gamba kek uh? Tgk kt ms aku oke? Mls nk upload kt sini, ahhaha tp sumpah kek tuh comel , sbb ade domo kt atasnye
thanks for semue yang bersusah payah untok birthday aku .
korang always by my side , iloveyouall !
P/s ; thanks for sape yang wishh and bagi present
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
22 may 2010
okay, act ade bnyk nk story kt sini, yelahh lame tak update blog kan? sume pasal broadband bodo uhh. okayy. firstly, pasall birthday, aww sumpah bestt. ahaha, firstly, countdown birthday, (22 mei ) gerak pyramid jap, dengan aqis, abg, bie, nadd, scha, suhana, farahani, hasanahh. act nk gerak pukol 11 tp bie bgn lmbt, so gerak pukol 12. haishh -,- then dah amik train, scha pulak tertinggl train, tuh laa. jln lmbt lagii, terpakse amik second train, pdn muke :p
tetibe je org train tuh ckp, kene patah balik sbb train sebelum tuh rosak, adoii, smpai je kat padang jawe, packed gile train nye, grr , mcm2 kaum ade, panas pulak tu, haish,
then scha dah smpai sume, amik cab, then gerak , okayy, i gain my mood back :D
dah smpai, call nadd , then meet dorang, aww aww thanks korangg (;
then pegi satu kedai nie, nad tarik tgn aku, die ckp " td aku jumpe domo , haahah "
aku jerit ahh. then die tunjokk kan domo nye, tp kecik je ohh :( kecik sgt sgt :(
kecewa je , hah :p then dah jalan2, nadd dah nk kene balik around 4.30 pm, sbb razif dah dtg kt car park. aku teman kan die and suhana sume, tp sebelom blah tuh. aku bisik dkt bie " wey, u carik domo besar, smpai jumpe k? tak jumpe jgn carik i, hahah " die ckp " baik boss " hahha :p
thanks bie
aku blah and beli seliper jap, kt banana peel , hahaha comel pulak.
then nadd dah balik :( , sumpah kejap je dpt lepak ngan korangggg :(
bie call, die ckp " gile, aku da jumpe domo bsa, ko ktne ? "
aku ckp aahhh " kt converse. dtg aaa dol "
then die dtg, die bwk pegi asian avenue, kt situ ade domo besar gile .
haishh , then bie belikan , tp bukan yg besar tuh, yg kecik sederhana je , hahah
thanks sgt sgt sgt bie!

hhahaha, amacam comel? haahha :p
then bie belikan baju mango ,
tetibe je org train tuh ckp, kene patah balik sbb train sebelum tuh rosak, adoii, smpai je kat padang jawe, packed gile train nye, grr , mcm2 kaum ade, panas pulak tu, haish,
then scha dah smpai sume, amik cab, then gerak , okayy, i gain my mood back :D
dah smpai, call nadd , then meet dorang, aww aww thanks korangg (;
then pegi satu kedai nie, nad tarik tgn aku, die ckp " td aku jumpe domo , haahah "
aku jerit ahh. then die tunjokk kan domo nye, tp kecik je ohh :( kecik sgt sgt :(
kecewa je , hah :p then dah jalan2, nadd dah nk kene balik around 4.30 pm, sbb razif dah dtg kt car park. aku teman kan die and suhana sume, tp sebelom blah tuh. aku bisik dkt bie " wey, u carik domo besar, smpai jumpe k? tak jumpe jgn carik i, hahah " die ckp " baik boss " hahha :p
thanks bie
aku blah and beli seliper jap, kt banana peel , hahaha comel pulak.
then nadd dah balik :( , sumpah kejap je dpt lepak ngan korangggg :(
bie call, die ckp " gile, aku da jumpe domo bsa, ko ktne ? "
aku ckp aahhh " kt converse. dtg aaa dol "
then die dtg, die bwk pegi asian avenue, kt situ ade domo besar gile .
haishh , then bie belikan , tp bukan yg besar tuh, yg kecik sederhana je , hahah
thanks sgt sgt sgt bie!

hhahaha, amacam comel? haahha :p
then bie belikan baju mango ,

thanks bie , ilove you (!)
then dalam pukol 7.30 balik , best sgt sgt td. spent time dgn bie and membe sume ,
iloveyou lahh korangg
Sunday, May 16, 2010
read this -,-

ehh knape ehh , lelaki skrg kan , bile dah break kan , mesti tak bole accept the fact, ego betullah kaum adam nie . haishh , bile dah break dgn org tuu , cube la terime kenyataan ok ? tkpayah nk ckp " tak kesah pun kite break niee " or " eleh , aku bkn syg pun kt kau , so tak kesah la, tkpe " padahal jauh di sudut hati , die tk sanggop nk break , ehh ape gampang sgt nk mengaku perasaan tuh . matii ke kalau buat mcm tu , ehh tkpayah nk belagak kuat la weh , mmg kau tknak lepaskan die , then nk kutok die balik pulak, haish -,- bodohh betul . fikir kau sorg ke bole buat mcm tu sial ?
ehh budak tuh ade kutok kau ke ? ade ? ade ke ? mane ? grr , babii ahh kau . kalau dah break, korg still bole contact or be friends right? knape bile da break mesti bermusuhan ? pelik je =='
knape mesti tak bertegor ? heshh, buat mcm biase sudah la, just anggap bende tuh da jd sweetest memory that you'll never forget sudahh ahh .
tk professional dohh , ececece , HAHA, lain lahh kalau budak tuh mmg curang or cheating ke kn , baru la logik utk dimusuhi, aku bukan la nk masok campor, tp bende nie mmg ade kene mengene dgn aku , ehh pke laa bodohh, kau tak pke ke ape die rase kalau die tau kau kutok die? kalau takpuas hati sgt , ckp la dpn2, haish , tak gentle laa kau! BULLSHIT
aku pun mrh bodo! grrr, kau ade masalah ke dgn die? tk puas hati? face to face tk bole ? takde telo ke?
mcm pondan je,penakot(!) nk ckp dah besar, dah matangg dah, tak bole pkir ke? kau tahuu tak? you make her down stupid bile kau ckp mcm tuh, kau tk tahuu kan?
penah kau pke ? tak penah kan?
eeee! pakai laa otak power kau tuh sial!
ehh aku mmg cukop sabar dgn kau, mmg betol die ckp, kau takpenah nk pke ape die rase, SELFISH -,-
err, kau terase ke? nk gadoh? aku oke je, ehh naik court pun pegii la mati, bende kau start dulu, pandai2 habeskan babi!
ps : kalau dah jd kawan, boleh tak jgn jd setan? takpayah nk bakar membe kau, nk burokkan die lg, nk hasot die lg, kau tuh pon ape kurangnye? patotnye, kau yg support die, tuh pon tk tau ke? nk kene bgtahu jgk? haish , ape bangang sgt kau nie -,-
Saturday, May 15, 2010
haishh ko nie , baru nk up ke siall ? ekeleh , kesian siot kau
bapak cerite kau nk power je doh, kalau aku sumpah dah malu siall, kau benci aku? ehh pegi la matii bodo. dahh aa belagak siot -,- derr , balik kubo kau la weh. hot sgt ke? kau dgn TUT same je . hhahahaha , show off nk mati bodo, sape2 yang kenal budak babii nie, pleaselahh beware oke ?
ahhaha, kesian akuuu tgk kau doh, sume orang dah tau kau mcm mane, nk belagak lagii. bapakk ahh segann doee, HHAHA, kau tuh dah aa sakai sial ,belagak , fakers , copycats , kejar hot , perasan , aduhh tk segann ke weh ? aww awww , HHAHAH ;p
sume org dah FUCK kau tahuu ? hahhah padan muke ;p
for that
yeaaa yeaa ! finally , im getting better in my maths ,haha alhamdulilah for that (;
my bestfriends , i just lost you and now you're mine again , ahha we're unbreakable right babe ?
aww iloveyouu >today ade gotong royong at school *sigh im absent for that , because the girls were being a jerk yesterday , fuck off!
yeahh thank you FRIENDS (':
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Friday, May 07, 2010
When I cry you help me out,
When I'm happy you hear me shout,
When I grin, you know I'm really mad because you are my best friend,
You can tell when I'm sad
You're there in thick and thin
You're my best friend
You hear me out when I want to talk
You help me out when I get mad
You are the bestest friend I've ever had
So hear me out when I say
You're the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
You shine very bright
You are the bestest friend I have
and I miss you
i just lost my bestfriends , thank you FRIENDS (':
When I cry you help me out,
When I'm happy you hear me shout,
When I grin, you know I'm really mad because you are my best friend,
You can tell when I'm sad
You're there in thick and thin
You're my best friend
You hear me out when I want to talk
You help me out when I get mad
You are the bestest friend I've ever had
So hear me out when I say
You're the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
You shine very bright
You are the bestest friend I have
and I miss you
i just lost my bestfriends , thank you FRIENDS (':
Thursday, May 06, 2010
tired -.-
mhhhmmp, today school was fine , we're celebrating ina's birthdayy (;
haha , happy birthday (: end of my class, im straight to home. im fucking too rushed, since i've promise my b to met him today, but suddenly hujan lebat, and i met him at 4.00pm. lepakingg and laughing with him, aqil, aida, syafiq. ahahaa it was a great day, then aida nk balik, then salam my b , and byebye . 6.30 pm im watching adamaya, haha until 7.15pm, then my b was calling, imisshim!
after that i have my tuition class, i was starving that time, oh my god! math and bm was freakingg boringg, fuck yeah!
10.30 pm , papa fetch me at DELTA & JOHAN , haha, i reached home and find something to eat, finally i got CHICKEN NUGGETS! ahahh, dah mkn tu, online, blogging, well im too tired today, hihi :p thats the story ends for my thursday
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
so today school was okay. the girls being fine and yeah we are being fine like how we used to ;) I can control a bit from being asleep/sleeping in class. yeah! ;)
so atlast, I gain the very good mood of mine back :)
miss my bie so much )';
im doing this in science class, fuckinn miss my bestfriendd )';
I feel like killing myself for yesterday, ouhh shiittttt! I slept at 5am since he called me till I feel like erghhhhhh sleepy. so then I woke up at 6.30am I don't mind. Im seriously fucked up.
I went to the tuition class, yesterday class was like freakkinggg boringg ,I didn't gave so much attention when the teacher was explaining cause Im too bored and sleepyyyyy! the b texting me before the class started, I thought of stop-ing texting but Im too bored, so Im continue-ing texting him. and bcse of that, Im blurr about today chapter.
so atlast, I gain the very good mood of mine back :)
miss my bie so much )';
school today was like hmmpp pretty bored!
I'm no more late to school, Alhamdulillah for that ;) math was like damn bored. I did not played attention. then move to science class,
Sir is not around so no science today. then recess for 20minutes and continue with arab. hehe. arab was frigging cool. and ended up with history class.
history was mhhmmpp not that bad. not thatttt bad -.-
school session just ended up and I'm straight to home. waiting for b to messaging me well, just wait if he could.
i'm done here, byebye
I'm no more late to school, Alhamdulillah for that ;) math was like damn bored. I did not played attention. then move to science class,
Sir is not around so no science today. then recess for 20minutes and continue with arab. hehe. arab was frigging cool. and ended up with history class.
history was mhhmmpp not that bad. not thatttt bad -.-
school session just ended up and I'm straight to home. waiting for b to messaging me well, just wait if he could.
i'm done here, byebye
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